Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Club La Costa Tells its Members of the New Leisure Division

We learn now that Club La Costa explains to its Vacation Club Owners that they have nothing to fear from the New Leisure Division. This Division is headed up by Richard Carrick in a Non Executive Role. See The Link http://www.rciventures.com/2011/03/club-la-costa-raise-rentals-profile/

Now this must surely cost some consternation about owners because many report on the CLCMembers.co.uk Website, that whilst the new Direct Sales Customers (without large Membership Fees) are able to book quickly, those longstanding Members can't even book the resort over a two and three year period.

It remains to see how that is going to go down, but according to Club La Costa, despite a difficult climate its still maintaining its Dynamic Edge and experiencing tremendous success with its CLC Estates Division. It would appear that all the new inventory is not part of the Vacation Club Inventory and doesn't impact on existing Club Owners.

Now I personally think that its sending a Mixed Message here. How can those who've paid Thousands of Pounds for Exclusive Access, now believe they are in an Exclusive Club. Many of the Resorts are the same places of those being offered cheap weeks in some cases, Prime Time!

Fair Enough, CLC is sitting on a lot of New Inventory and should be encouraged to fill it, that makes perfect business sense, but what about all those people who have been the Mainstay of its Company Growth.

Does anyone care?

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